选择第一次到达的Prestack收集时间被称为首次到达时间(FAT)采摘,这是地震数据处理中必不可少的一步,并且主要是手动解决的。随着当前地震数据收集密度的增加,手动采摘效率无法满足实际需求。因此,近几十年来,自动采摘方法已经大大开发出来,尤其是基于深度学习的方法。但是,当前有监督的基于深度学习的方法很少可以避免对标记样品的依赖。此外,由于收集数据是一组与自然图像大不相同的信号,因此当前方法在低信号与噪声比(SNR)的情况下很难解决脂肪拾取问题。在本文中,对于Hard Rock地震收集数据,我们提出了一个多阶段分割拾取网络(MSSPN),该网络解决了跨工作地点的概括问题以及在低SNR的情况下的采摘问题。在MSSPN中,有四个子模型可以模拟手动采摘处理,从而将其假定为从粗糙到细的四个阶段。具有不同质量的七个现场数据集的实验表明,我们的MSSPN的表现优于大幅度的基准。尤其是,在中等和高snrs的情况下,我们的方法可以实现超过90 \%的精确拾取,甚至精细模型也可以使用低SNR实现88 \%精确的数据集。
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尽管深度神经网络(DNN)在各种应用中取得了突出的性能,但众所周知,DNN易于在清洁/原始样品中具有难以察觉的扰动的对抗性实施例/样品(AES)。克服对抗对抗攻击的现有防御方法的弱点,这破坏了原始样本的信息,导致目标分类器精度的减少,提高了增强的反对对抗攻击方法IDFR(通过输入去噪和功能恢复) 。所提出的IDFR是由增强型输入丹麦优化的增强型输入丹麦(ID)和隐藏的有损特征恢复器(FR)组成。在基准数据集上进行的广泛实验表明,所提出的IDFR优于各种最先进的防御方法,对保护目标模型免受各种对抗黑盒或白盒攻击的高度有效。 \脚注{souce代码释放:\ href {https://github.com/id-fr/idfr} {https://github.com/id-fr/idfr}}
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在人体机器人合作(HRC)中,机器人与人类合作,共同完成任务。现有方法假设人类在合作期间有一个特定的目标,机器人的贫富和行为。然而,在现实世界的环境中,人类通常在合作开始时只有一般目标(例如,运动规划中的一般方向或区域),这需要澄清到特定目标(例如,确切的位置)在合作期间。规范过程是互动和动态的,这取决于环境和合作伙伴的行为。不考虑目标规范过程的机器人可能会对人类伴侣造成挫败感,而漫长的时间来协议,并妥协或失败的团队表现。我们介绍了进化价值学习(EVL)方法,它使用基于国家的多元贝叶斯推理方法来模拟HRC中目标规范过程的动态。 EVL可以积极增强目标规范和合作形成的过程。这使得机器人能够同时帮助人类指定目标并在深度加强学习(DRL)方式中学习合作政策。在具有真实人类主题的动态球平衡任务中,配备EVL的机器人优先于现有方法,具有更快的目标规格流程和更好的团队性能。
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The past two decades have seen increasingly rapid advances in the field of multi-view representation learning due to it extracting useful information from diverse domains to facilitate the development of multi-view applications. However, the community faces two challenges: i) how to learn robust representations from a large amount of unlabeled data to against noise or incomplete views setting, and ii) how to balance view consistency and complementary for various downstream tasks. To this end, we utilize a deep fusion network to fuse view-specific representations into the view-common representation, extracting high-level semantics for obtaining robust representation. In addition, we employ a clustering task to guide the fusion network to prevent it from leading to trivial solutions. For balancing consistency and complementary, then, we design an asymmetrical contrastive strategy that aligns the view-common representation and each view-specific representation. These modules are incorporated into a unified method known as CLustering-guided cOntrastiVE fusioN (CLOVEN). We quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate the proposed method on five datasets, demonstrating that CLOVEN outperforms 11 competitive multi-view learning methods in clustering and classification. In the incomplete view scenario, our proposed method resists noise interference better than those of our competitors. Furthermore, the visualization analysis shows that CLOVEN can preserve the intrinsic structure of view-specific representation while also improving the compactness of view-commom representation. Our source code will be available soon at https://github.com/guanzhou-ke/cloven.
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Open Information Extraction (OpenIE) aims to extract relational tuples from open-domain sentences. Traditional rule-based or statistical models have been developed based on syntactic structures of sentences, identified by syntactic parsers. However, previous neural OpenIE models under-explore the useful syntactic information. In this paper, we model both constituency and dependency trees into word-level graphs, and enable neural OpenIE to learn from the syntactic structures. To better fuse heterogeneous information from both graphs, we adopt multi-view learning to capture multiple relationships from them. Finally, the finetuned constituency and dependency representations are aggregated with sentential semantic representations for tuple generation. Experiments show that both constituency and dependency information, and the multi-view learning are effective.
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Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) has emerged as a powerful solution for the domain shift problem via transferring the knowledge from a labeled source domain to a shifted unlabeled target domain. Despite the prevalence of UDA for visual applications, it remains relatively less explored for time-series applications. In this work, we propose a novel lightweight contrastive domain adaptation framework called CoTMix for time-series data. Unlike existing approaches that either use statistical distances or adversarial techniques, we leverage contrastive learning solely to mitigate the distribution shift across the different domains. Specifically, we propose a novel temporal mixup strategy to generate two intermediate augmented views for the source and target domains. Subsequently, we leverage contrastive learning to maximize the similarity between each domain and its corresponding augmented view. The generated views consider the temporal dynamics of time-series data during the adaptation process while inheriting the semantics among the two domains. Hence, we gradually push both domains towards a common intermediate space, mitigating the distribution shift across them. Extensive experiments conducted on four real-world time-series datasets show that our approach can significantly outperform all state-of-the-art UDA methods. The implementation code of CoTMix is available at \href{https://github.com/emadeldeen24/CoTMix}{github.com/emadeldeen24/CoTMix}.
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学习时间序列表示只有未标记的数据或几个标签样本可用时,可能是一项具有挑战性的任务。最近,通过对比,通过对比的不同数据观点从未标记的数据中提取有用的表示形式方面,对对比的自我监督学习表现出了很大的改进。在这项工作中,我们通过时间和上下文对比(TS-TCC)提出了一个新颖的时间序列表示学习框架,该框架从未标记的数据中学习了具有对比性学习的无标记数据的表示。具体而言,我们建议时间序列特定的弱和强大的增强,并利用他们的观点在拟议的时间对比模块中学习稳健的时间关系,除了通过我们提出的上下文对比模块学习判别性表示。此外,我们对时间序列数据增强选择进行系统研究,这是对比度学习的关键部分。我们还将TS-TCC扩展到了半监督的学习设置,并提出了一种类感知的TS-TCC(CA-TCC),从可用的少数标​​记数据中受益,以进一步改善TS-TCC学到的表示。具体而言,我们利用TS-TCC生成的强大伪标签来实现班级感知的对比损失。广泛的实验表明,对我们提议的框架所学的功能的线性评估与完全监督的培训相当。此外,我们的框架在少数标记的数据和转移学习方案中显示出高效率。该代码可在\ url {https://github.com/emadeldeen24/ts-tcc}上公开获得。
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